Calibrating PIC microcontroller internal oscillator
I am describing here a method to calibrate PIC micro-controllers.One day I antecedently erased the the oscillator calibration value in my PIC pic16f676.Then searched for a solution to recalibrate it.I found this link from Microchip's website AN250 - Auto-calibration of the PIC12F6XX Internal RC Oscillator . But for this method needs an additional reference pulse generator of 5kHz.But I don't have these things.So I tried an alternate method.In this method, we need a PC with serial port to calibrate PIC micro-controller. Other things we needed are, A compiler for PIC. I use PICC Lite edition. PIC burning software . I use Picprog Here is a simple c source code #include <htc.h> #include <conio.h> __CONFIG(FOSC_INTRCIO & WDTE_OFF & PWRTE_ON & CP_OFF & CPD_OFF & BOREN_OFF & MCLRE_OFF); /************************************* * Tunable parameters */ /* Transmit and Receive port bits */ #defi...